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X-CAD - Kan dette være sant?

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Topic: X-CAD - Kan dette være sant?
Posted By: TheTiger
Subject: X-CAD - Kan dette være sant?
Date Posted: 20 juli 2005 at 03:15

Hei alle sammen!

Tenkte eg berre skulle nevne kva eg kom over på eit anna forum.
Dette er for dei som er interessert i designing og CAD program.

på denne nettsiden: -  can du finne meir info.

Men det er vist eit PR stunt kor dei 100.000 som registrerer seg først og før 1. August vil få gratis X-CAD programmet.

Om dette er sant kan ikkje eg si sikkert, men mine kolegaer samt andre meine på at dette må være sant.

Tenkte eg skulle nevne det her.

Posted By: Håvard H
Date Posted: 20 juli 2005 at 11:17
I dette opplegget tror jeg det kan væære mange stasjoner på linja mellom
Glimrende tilbud og Ren svindel.

Vi starter på stasjonen "Glimrende tilbud" og ankommer "Ren svindel":
- Du får en fult utviklet CAD-pakke siden en ny produsent er avhengig av
en stor brukerbase. Tanken er at de 100 000 skal spre ordet om hvor bra
dette er.

- De lar deg laste ned noe som er en Betaversjon. Snedig opplegg for å
signe opp testere.

- Programmmet er OK, men du får bare en 30 dager testversjon eller noe

- Programmet er ganske dårlig, og etter en måned får du tilbud om en
oppgradering til en ny versjon for $2999,-

- Du får ikke noe program, og postboksen din blir spammet av ville

- Du får et program, men det viser seg senere at det var en Trojansk hest
som sletter hardisken din, stjeler kredittkortet ditt og brenner ned huset

Det jeg prøver å si er vel "Proceed with caution". Lag deg en Hotmail eller
Google epostkonto kun for denne registreringen. Da risikerer du ihvertall
ikke noe angående spam.

Selv mener jeg at hvis noe er for godt til å være sant så er det som regel

Mvh Håvard H" rel="nofollow - Modelljernbaneforeningen På Sporet Av Den Tapte Tid

Posted By: TheTiger
Date Posted: 21 juli 2005 at 09:52

X-CAD er ikkje tull!! Sjekk pressemeldingen fra selskapet Alibre: -

Dette var eit PR stunt fra selskapet..

X-CAD Unmasked: Alibre Reveals Identity of
Free 3D CAD Software, Alibre Design Xpress

Closing In On Goal of 100,000 Registrants With Over 94,000 to date

RICHARDSON, TX.—July 20, 2005—Alibre, Inc. today announced that it is the company behind the X-CAD promotion launched in late May at the web site The company also announced that the new software, originally announced as X-CAD as part a 100,000 seat giveaway contest, will be named Alibre Design Xpress when it ships -- if 100,000 people have registered. The contest goal of 100,000 registrations appears likely: over 94,000 have registered to date and the registration rate is increasing.

Alibre Design Xpress, originally announced as X-CAD, is not demo or trial software. The product will provide 3D parametric solid modeling for mechanical design and manufacturing applications and includes functionality to design parts and assemblies, as well as create associative 2D drawings -- all at no charge.

Last week, a few X-CAD registrants were treated to a sneak peak at the new software.

"Being new to the CAD world, I didn"t really know what to expect, but I found Alibre Design Xpress to be very easy to pick up and use," said Jonathan Morley, new 3D user. "I also found the included tutorials to be extremely helpful in learning the basics of the system; sketching, part modeling, assemblies -- they"re all there."

"The amazing fact about this software is speed. It is both speedy to learn and speedy to use," says Mike Rehmus, Editor of Model Engine Builder magazine. "The included tutorials will have you making models in no time."

"Alibre Design Xpress is very similar to other 3D solid modelers on the market, so similar in fact that you should be up and running in no time," said Mike Hudspeth, a CAD industry analyst. "The familiar interface and work flow will mean instant productivity. I like the simple way you can dimension your sketches in this fully parametric modeler."

"The response to the X-CAD contest is beyond our expectations," said Greg Milliken, CEO of Alibre. "We set the goal high and weren"t really sure how the industry would react, but 93,000+ registrations in less than two months speaks for itself. While our primary target for Alibre Design Xpress is the large number of 2D users who simply aren"t going to move to an expensive and complex 3D solution, we have also had registrants from virtually every Fortune 500 company."

Given the response to date, Alibre expects Alibre Design Xpress to have a dramatic impact on the 3D mechanical CAD market. Rather than emphasizing the "conversion" to 3D, Alibre is focusing on rapidly increasing the adoption of 3D, viewing the technology as just another tool at the users" disposal, along with 2D CAD, spreadsheets, word processors and so on. In the process the company intends to foster an open, global community of users who together will advance and spread the usage of 3D.

Milliken continued, "Alibre Design Xpress is really the culmination of a long term vision: to make 3D accessible to everyone, not just those willing to pay thousands of dollars. We"ve always had a goal to liberate the industry -- even our company name is based on the Latin word "liber," the root of liberty and free!

"It"s amazing that vendors in this market rely upon customer-hostile policies such as encrypted file formats and forced product retirements/upgrades - and even more amazing: their customers stand for it. We believe these oppressive practices and the companies that engage in them have basically caused the industry to stagnate, and we"re out to change things.

"I also want to emphasize that Alibre Design Xpress is not a "bait and switch" offer. We believe that by providing very high value software to a lot of people, and then engaging with them to learn from them -- while building trust by respecting their privacy and requests to opt-out of our communications -- we will increase sales of our flagship Alibre Design product family."

For more details and to register for a free copy of Alibre Design Xpress, go to, or contact for more information. An Alibre Design Xpress user forum and FAQ are available at the site.


Editorial contact:
Jessica Formosa, Alibre Inc.
972-671-8492 x257,

Posted By: Håvard H
Date Posted: 22 juli 2005 at 11:40
Originally posted by TheTiger TheTiger wrote:

X-CAD er ikkje tull!! Sjekk pressemeldingen fra
selskapet Alibre:

Vel, en pressemelding er ikke nok til å overbevise meg.
Hvis du leser denne tråden på "Sketchup" (et annet 3D-program) så vil du
at det er god grunn til å være skeptisk:

(klipp og lim linken, dette forumet takler ikke lange URLer)

De interesannte innleggene kommer langt nedee i tråden (og den er
Noen påstår det er en demoversjon, andre at det er Google-annonser i
interfacen (kan slås av for $49,-)

Som sagt, jeg er ikke overbeevist.

Mvh Håvard H" rel="nofollow - Modelljernbaneforeningen På Sporet Av Den Tapte Tid

Posted By: TheTiger
Date Posted: 22 juli 2005 at 12:04

Hi Håvard.

Det er berre sunt og være kritisk på slike ting. :)
Er for tiden i kontakt med selkapet bak dette programmet.
Den versjonen er nok ein billigere utgave av standar produktet deira. (flaggskipet.) Det vil jo seia sitt om saken. Men er eg så heldig og får ein kopi kan eg gi tilbakemelding på korleis det var.

Sjølv er eg aktiv brukar av Rhino3D og SolidWorks.

Det er ein fin kombinasjon.


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